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Colour, size, uses, planting site
Colour, size, uses, planting site
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Plant Finder |
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'My Garden' is a place to keep a list of the plants in your garden.
The All view shows all plants in your garden. Seasons views show plants that bloom or have particular foliage interest in that season.
To add a plant:
- Go back to the Plant Finder.
- Find the plant you want to add.
- Tap on the Action icon at the top right of the screen to add it.
Use 'Favourites' for plants you like, or for a shopping list.
To add a plant:
- Go back to the Plant Finder.
- Find the plant you want to add.
- Tap on the Action icon at the top right of the screen to add it.
No plants saved in History.
You have not yet looked at any plants in the Plant Finder, so there are none saved in the History. Tap index to go back to the Plant Finder. Use a Browse option or one of the on the Find options to find a plant, tap on a plant to open it and it will be added to the History.
All | Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |
A new feature, of showing nearby 'Sellers' who stock each plant when it is in season, is underway!
Your Garden Centre can be listed here, its plant list included in Joy of Plants - see our website
A new feature, of showing nearby 'Sellers' who stock each plant when it is in season, is underway!
Your Garden Centre can be listed here, its plant list included in Joy of Plants - see our website
Welcome to Joy of Plants' Plant Finder web app, for plant lovers | |
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For help please email support@joyfoplants.com
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For help please email support@joyfoplants.com
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Please enter the details you will use for logging in to your Joy of Plants app.
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By registering and giving us your email address you give 'Joy of Plants' permission to collect and process your email address for app login and communication purposes. We do not use your email address for any other purpose.
Terms & conditions | Privacy policy
For help please email support@joyfoplants.com
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